Term Four Wham Bam!

Welcome back for Term 4. I trust that all students have enjoyed the mid-semester break and we look forward to a short but full and dynamic term ahead.

I am sure that many in the ATC community were as proud as punch of Ezra Mam (ATC2020) in the NRL Grand Final on Sunday evening. He certainly has a bright future. Ezra attended our school from Year 4 to Year 12 and is a proud graduate of ATC and the Clontarf Academy and a regular visitor to the College. I will write to Ezra formally on behalf of the entire community to congratulate him on his marvellous achievements. It was great to see him excelling and always with a smile on his face and so exciting for our community.

Our Term has commenced with a whole school assembly for the annual Commissioning Ritual for our Student Leaders for 2024. We wish College Captain, Declan Lever and his team a wonderful year ahead as the strive to Be the Change in 2024. They stand on the shoulders of our Seniors from 2019 to 2023 who are all special groups in their own right. Our 2023 Seniors are the first “All ATC” group, as they were in Year 4 in 2015 when we began as ATC, and have indeed Paved the Way as they set out to do. We look forward to supporting them to finish their senior year positively.

ADF Long Tan Award

The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork awards started in 2006 to recognise students who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within both the school and broader local community. At the same time, they recognise those who display strong values, such as doing one’s best, respect for others and “mateship”, characteristics that are integral to Australian society. The awards are an important initiative by the Australian Government in conjunction with the Australian Defence Force and designed to encourage senior students to actively participate in the life of their schools and local communities. Today we recognised two of our Senior School students who have been awarded the Long Tan Award for 2023 and I congratulated Joe Romer and Aarav Chandra on their achievements.

Ampol Best All Rounder Award

The Ampol Best All Rounder Award provides the opportunity for our school to acknowledge a Year 12 student who has made an exceptional contribution both in and out of the classroom. The award recognises qualities that include leadership, service and community, sport, arts and culture, attitude and personal conduct. Recipients of this award are considered for the National Ampol Best All Rounder Program to be decided later this year and today on assembly I proudly presented the ATC award to David Childs.

David Childs

We wish our Year 9 students a meaningful time on the Retreat Program this Thursday being held in partnership with Brigidine College at Brigidine. This is another aspect of deliberate strategy on our part to expand opportunities for our students to engage with young women and their perspective and we thank Brigidine for our partnership and wish everyone well for the day.

On Thursday and Friday, our Athletics Team will participate in the AIC Athletics Championships at QSAC. We wish all our athletes the very best and encourage and support them in their efforts. Year 10 and 11 students will be in attendance to cheer and support on Friday. I also wish the best of luck to our players and staff for the All Schools Touch Football championships this week.

We look forward to our annual Arts Week from Monday 9 October to Saturday 14 October. It is always a highlight in our calendar. I thank all of our students, staff and families who are preparing and will bring our community together in Art, Drama and Music celebration. Tickets for Jazz by the River are on sale via the Trybooking link HERE.

We wish all Year 12 students, teachers, parents and caregivers well for the final sequence of lessons in preparation for external exams commencing in Week 4.

Dean of Learning

As you are aware, Ms Lara Morgan, our Dean of Learning, is commencing a new role at St Rita’s College in 2024. Lara is presently on leave managing a troublesome back injury, but we look forward to her return in Week 2 and to acknowledging and thanking Lara for her five years at ATC and four years on the Leadership Team later in the term.

It is my pleasure to announce that Ms Liana Baillie has been appointed as our new Dean of Learning commencing in 2024. Liana is presently the Director of Data Analytics and Academic Performance at Villanova College and held a similar position at Marist College Ashgrove prior to that. We congratulate Liana and look forward to welcoming her to ATC. It was a pleasure to have Mr Jason Sepetauc, our new Deputy Principal in 2024, join me on the selection panel for this role. 

Middle School Head of Year

Prior to the break, the College also facilitated a selection process for a Middle School Head of Year position following Mr Matt Ribeiro’s appointment as Head of Connacht House in 2024. I am pleased to announce that Mr Yugeindran Nair has been appointed to this role. Yugi was on our teaching staff in 2022 and has acted as a Head of House at St Edmund’s Ipswich this year and held a similar role at St John’s College in the past. We welcome Yugi back to the College in 2024.

Staff News

Welcome back to the following staff after various periods of maternity, paternity or long service leave and thank you to staff who acted in positions in their absence - Ms Kelli Sutherland, Mr Ben Rerden, Mr David Robertson, Ms Deb Shalders, Ms Siobhan Brophy and Mr Lawrie Gordon.

Mr Kevin Van Der Weide is on long service leave for Week 1 of this Term. As mentioned above, Ms Lara Morgan, Dean of Learning is on leave for Week 1 of this term as is Mr David Gardiner who is presently enjoying his long service leave in the Greek Islands.

Over the break, Mr Paul Keillor was appointed as Assistant Head of Science at St Laurence’s College commencing in 2024. We warmly congratulate Paul on this appointment, thank him for his contribution to the ATC story and wish him well for his final term with us and in his new role at SLC. 

Jazz by the River

Jazz by the River is vibrant ATC community event that showcases our very own student Jazz bands and ATC Guitars all in the beautiful surroundings of Warril Place, our Middle School setting with spectacular views of the River. We are excited to host this event on Saturday 14 October 2023.  Purchase your tickets by CLICKING HERE.  There is a delicious menu of items available for purchase on the night from a selection of Burgers, Hot Chips, BBQ, lollies, chips and cold drinks or support the ATC Hospitality students by pre-ordering a Cheese and Dessert Box. The ARTery Exhibition of student work will also be open for viewing in the afternoon in Nudgee Junior  Hall for all to see. 

If you haven’t attended before or are new to the ATC community you are very, very welcome and please bring your friends and family, spread a picnic rug on the grass and get ready for a wonderful night of music by the river.

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us.

God bless,

Chris Ryan