The Second Quarter

Welcome back for Term Two. I trust that the Holy season of Easter was a peaceful and renewing time for all in the ATC community and that the recent days have been filled with family and friends and the peace and joy of the Risen Jesus. I extend my best wishes to all students, staff and parents for a positive and enjoyable second quarter of the year.

I wish Declan and all of our Year 12 Leaders all the best for the term after they have gotten the year off to a positive start with their theme of “Be the Change”. There has been much positive feedback about their leadership and example in Term One. The Easter season is a powerful reminder and renewal of our call as a Catholic school to place the Gospel of the Good News as the heart and the way in all that we do.

The tragic events at Westfield’s Bondi Junction over the weekend has deeply affected all Australians. I extend our deep community condolences to the victims' families, all eyewitnesses and commend the courageousness of the emergency services and those people who intervened. We pray for peace in our world, whether it be in the hearts of those involved in this profoundly sad event or for those impacted by the unfolding conflict in the Middle East.

Parent/Teacher/Student Feedback

The Parent, Student and Teacher Feedback Meetings are scheduled for Monday 22 April 2024 9am to 7.30pm (Pupil Free Day) via Teams meetings. The meetings are an opportunity for you to meet with your son’s teachers. We strongly encourage your son to be present at the online Teams discussions. I hope that these sessions are fruitful for all concerned and a good plan for the term ahead is established.

 A simple framework of questions in reflecting on learning habits and practices I always offer for parental conversations and reflections for students of all ages at this time is:

What am I going to keep doing at home and in the classroom to support my learning?

What are some habits and practices that work for me?

What am I going to stop doing at home and in the classroom to improve my learning? 

What are some habits and practices that don’t work for me and stop me from doing my best?

What am I going to start doing at home and in the classroom to enhance my learning?

What might be something that I know would work but I haven’t tried or haven’t had the self-discipline for? What works successfully for somebody else?

 We look forward to all students building on the start that made in Term 1. The term ahead provides some challenges with the first few weeks interrupted by long weekends and public holidays. As always, there are many co-curricular activities and events to engage all our students. The fact that it is a slightly shorter term means that a focused start on schoolwork and study is important for end-of-semester success. I encourage all parents and caregivers to be alive to this reality for our students where there only 42 days of classes this term. It is vital that students of all year levels buckle down to their study quickly.

Waterford Building Project

The Senior School building project is approaching the business end of the first phase. The main building is scheduled to be completed at the end of this term. At that point, all teaching staff located in the Tipperary Staff Room will be relocated into the new Waterford Building for an interim period while the Tipperary Staff Room is expanded and refurbished. The demountable buildings presently on the Brothers Oval side of the road opposite the Edmund Rice Building, will be decommissioned and removed at a date to be determined and these classes will be rescheduled to the new Waterford Building for the remainder of the year. While these are generally Year 8 and 9 classes, this will save the College having to do a significant midyear remodelling of the timetable. As these plans are finalised, details will be shared with the community and involved classes. The new building and refurbished spaces will be fully operational and occupied for the commencement of 2025.

Staff News

A warm welcome to Ms Stephanie Grosset who is joining us this term as our new Inclusive Practices Co-ordinator for the Senior School. We wish Stephanie all the very best in this vital role.

Congratulations to Ms Miranda Simmonds who is expecting her first baby. We wish her good health and happiness for this special time. Ms Simmonds will take parental leave in the second half of this year with dates to be confirmed.

With Mr Ben Rerden stepping down from his role within the Learning Team, the College took the opportunity to review and renew a Middle Leadership position and advertised the role of Assistant Dean of Learning: Senior School prior to the break. We have been very pleased with the field of applicants and are presently interviewing for this role with an appointment to be announced this term.

Mr David Mapleston, Middle School Counsellor, is also taking leave from mid-August for a year to live with family and work overseas. The College will seek to fill this pastoral role this term. 

Mothers in May

A reminder of the Mothers in May event being held on Wednesday 15 May from 5-7pm It would be wonderful to have many Mums and significant female carers come along to this event. May is, of course, the month of Mother’s Day and in the Catholic calendar, the month of Mary, the Mother of God who both Blessed Edmund Rice and Brother Patrick Ambrose Treacy had a special devotion to in their spiritual life. We are indeed blessed by the leadership, role modelling and care provided by all women within our extended community. 

Dash for Crash Community

Our annual Dash for Crash Fun Run is coming up on Sunday 19 May. I thank the McMeniman family (Hamish and Oliver Seniors 2023) for their partnership with our College Foundation in raising funds to support a student who may otherwise not have the opportunity, to attend ATC. The Fun Run honours and celebrates the memory of Mr Damian McMeniman, a past student of Nudgee Junior College and great parent supporter of ATC who was lovingly known by friends and family as Crash.

Dash for Crash Community

Our annual Dash for Crash Fun Run is coming up on Sunday 19 May. I thank the McMeniman family (Hamish and Oliver Seniors 2023) for their partnership with our College Foundation in raising funds to support a student who may otherwise not have the opportunity, to attend ATC. The Fun Run honours and celebrates the memory of Mr Damian McMeniman, a past student of Nudgee Junior College and great parent supporter of ATC who was lovingly known by friends and family as Crash.

The McMeniman family and friends and the extended ATC community have raised in excess of $22000 in the first two ATC based Fun Runs in supporting the College Foundation bursary. Please join in, come along and support the Foundation on Sunday 19 May. Click HERE to register.

Co-curricular Activities

Warm congratulations to Year 12 student, Michael Romelo on his selection in the Lions AFL Youth Academy pathway program. Michael is a significant talent, and we wish him well in his pursuit of this pathway.

Well done to all Rugby and Football players and thank you to all staff and parents who participated in trials prior to the break, the Rugby Camp over the weekend and in the EREA Football tournament late last week. A special mention to our Year 7 team who fought valiantly in a 3-2 loss in the semifinal against St Laurence’s; I was most impressed by their spirit and commitment. Best wishes to all winter sports participants this term. Thank you in anticipation of the guidance and support from all coaches, parents, and caregivers. 

Year 12 Formal

Our Year 12 students celebrate their Senior Formal this Friday evening. We wish this wonderful group a great time and look forward to joining parents and caregivers in welcoming everyone to this signpost event. Thank you to Mr Conor Finn and Ms Suzanne Colette for their preparation and co-ordination of this meaningful College occasion. 

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek to always be compassionate to those around us. 

God Bless.

Chris Ryan, College Principal