The Year That 'IS'

Zac Williams and Sam Edwards
2022 College Vice Captains

What an eventful year it has been so far. Already at the halfway mark for the Seniors, there is so much to reflect on as the College Vice-Captains for 2022.

The chosen theme of As One reflects what we are hopeful to achieve in our final year as the College Leaders. That being, to create and maintain an inclusive community across the entire school, for staff, students, and the wider community. It embraces the values of belonging and care for all, complimentary of the visions of past Vice-Captains.

Before our leadership journey began, Friday was already a day to feel good. Mostly, because it was the day before the weekend. But now, as Seniors, we have an even better reason with our ‘Feel Good Fridays’. A day to make a difference, a day to give back; spending quality time creating school-wide connections. Legacy leaving, as an integral part of our mantra. The day starts early when we greet the Juniors as they get dropped off to school. Rain or shine, we are out there loving it. It continues during first break with epic shoe cricket, time in the library, touch football, and the all-time favourite, handball, with many more activities spent with our youngest members of ATC. Everyone has a great time, both Seniors and Juniors alike, and it has quickly become our favourite day of the week.

This year we have continued to open up the College to the wider Brisbane community, allowing us to demonstrate the true meaning of wearing the blue, white, and green. This has never been more important with the obstacles presented by COVID and the floods alienating us from connecting with our Friendship groups and local charities. We have continued to show unwavering solidarity and positivity whilst embracing these challenges. Congratulations to our 2022 Seniors for leading the way and affirming our core values and striving each day as ATC gentleman.

2022 has also brought an exciting opportunity for ATC, participating in the AIC competition as a guest affiliate. Competing with our counterparts at the AIC swimming carnival was significant highlight and was a great reward for the work of past graduates and the example set by the seniors of this year. The spirit and teamwork in the pool and in the stands represented us well.

We then set our sights firmly towards our competitive runners and athletes for the AIC Cross Country and Athletics – hopeful, optimistic, and humble. Another real highlight has been the opportunity to mix it with the other AIC Schools’ Leadership Teams, in both formal and informal settings. The AIC opening ceremony, hosted by Padua College, gave the ATC Student Leadership an example to showcase the values of our College to the other schools. It was a rewarding experience. We also have had a strong presence and brilliant success across Cricket, AFL, Rugby and Football. Congratulations to the seniors, particularly in the first squads, for setting the example of commitment and dedication. This example has trickled through other grades, proving that hard work yields results.

Even in the short time that we have spent leading the school, we have learnt so much about leadership that we will hold in good stead as 2022 graduates.
• Lead by bringing others along with you, knowing that you don’t always have to be the person at the front of the pack to be the leader.
• Being a leader is also about seeing the strengths in those around you and using them.
• Sometimes we may make mistakes, but that is a part of life, so learn from it and move one.
• Leadership is a privilege, and it has been an honour to help lead the school so far this year.

Special mention to Mr Brendan Flanagan, Mr Conor Finn, our College Principal Mr Chris Ryan, and the rest of the College Leadership Team for supporting us in 2022. The student leaders and 2022 cohort have been excellent supporters of our theme, As One. Our advice for future leaders is to listen well, utilise the skills of others around you, and believe in leadership. Trust your process and it will eventually yield results.

Thank you for this opportunity to be your Vice-Captains.

Zac Williams and Sam Edward
2022 College Vice Captains