Warning - Midway Point Approaching Fast

We are pleased with our 2023 NAPLAN results which indicate we are successfully supporting our students to achieve high outcomes, and it is particularly pleasing to see the rewards of our focus on improving literacy for all students across all year levels. NAPLAN is a point in time indicator of progress and one instrument among several in measuring this, but it was pleasing to see our Years 5, 7 and 9 students engage with this task effectively. Well done to our Learning Team, Inclusive Practices Team and all teaching and support staff in seeing our focussed improvement agenda producing positive outcomes.

Approaching Mid Term

As we commence Week 4 of a busy term, it is timely to remind everyone to review assessment commitments in partnership at home. Most students, particularly in Year 7 to Year 12 will have plenty of work to do at present and it is in this third quarter of the premiership where the game can we won and lost. It is always good to review what is on, make sure a plan is in place, priorities are set, time management is considered and a balance between work, rest and play is sought as the next seven weeks will be busy. Research and lived experience tell us that students generally tend to have an inflated sense of having things under control, so it is always a good idea to sit down, have a milo together and check in how things are progressing.  

Trivia Night

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Parents and Friends Trivia Night on Saturday. An enjoyable time was had by all in attendance. Fabulous costumes and decorations were in abundance, and we look forward to more such evenings in the future. Congratulations and thank you to Suzanne Rosolen and her team of volunteers in making the evening a success with The Butchers taking out Best Table and The Richie Benaud's on top on points. Suzanne has organised this event for numerous years now and it is a well-oiled machine due to her leadership. We thank her for her contribution as she stands down from the coordinator’s role, and heads back to the competitor’s table next year. After a mid-table finish last year, the College Leadership team surged to third place this year, but I won’t always be able to bring my three daughters!

ATC Long Lunch

Tables for the Long Lunch being held on Sunday 10 September are still available. Please come along to this community event being hosted for the first time since 2019. All funds raised are for the ATC Foundation to provide an opportunity for a future student to attend ATC who may not otherwise be able to. End the term and begin Spring with friends, food and music on Brothers Oval.  CLICK HERE TO BOOK.

QLD Volleyball Schools Cup

Volleyball is perhaps our most accomplished sport at ATC with strong teams across the age groups. The Queensland Schools Cup is being held from 4-6 August on the Gold Coast and we have two teams entered. We wish all players and coaching staff every success and most importantly, enjoyment as they compete against the strongest school teams in the State.

ATC Robotics Club

ATC Robotics club recently competed in the Sunshine Coast University's International Robotics Tournament, RoboRave. Our two teams from Robotics Club, the ATC Atoms (Year 9) and ATC Intelligence (Year 8) have been working towards this competition over the last two terms, designing and programming their Lego Spike Prime robots. These robots were generously donated by the ATC Parents and Friends this year.

Thank you to Mr Chris Crane, our Robotics Club Coordinator, for organising our teams. It is a great initiative for the Club to be involved with and we hope to have more teams enter next year as well as have entries in other events such as the Vertical Hill Climb Robot challenge, Maze Navigating challenge and Tech Expo challenge! It sounds like the Robotics Club will be very busy.

Senior A Debaters

Our Senior A Debating Team debuted at this level in 2023 in the Queensland Debating Union and have performed admirably. This success has seen them progress into the Finals with the 11 strongest teams across the state. This is an outstanding achievement for our young school. We have been delighted for our talented, clever, and humble team and proud of their support base that has travelled with them from school to school. We wish the Senior A Debaters all the best.  

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek too always be compassionate to those around us.

God bless,

Chris Ryan

CLICK HERE to register for our next campus tour on Thursday 10 August.