Make a plan and set priorities, ready for a busy seven weeks!

Back to ATC Day

We look forward to welcoming past students from 2019 to 2023 this Saturday. Our Firsts Rugby League Team are playing our brother EREA School, St Patrick’s Shorncliffe at 12.15pm, followed by Past Students vs First X1 Football at 130pm and Past Students vs First V Basketball in SFX at 3pm. The Seniors of 2019 are gathering for a sausage sizzle with staff at Waterford at 4pm. We look forward to welcoming all. Thank you to the inaugural ATC Past Students Committee for their organization of the day.

Approaching mid term

As we commence Week 4 of a busy term, it is timely to remind everyone to review assessment commitments in partnership at home. Most students, particularly in Year 7 to Year 12 will have plenty of work to do at present and it is in this third quarter of the premiership where the game can be won and lost. A large portion of our Year 12 students have their third internal assessment for Math's Methods tomorrow.

It is always good to review what is on, make sure a plan is in place, priorities are set, time management is considered and a balance between work, rest and play is sought as the next seven weeks will be busy. Research and lived experience tell us that students generally tend to have an inflated sense of having things under control, so it is always a good idea to sit down, have a milo together and check in how things are progressing.

Year 5 Gold Rush Excursion

There’s Gold in them thar hills! The Year 5 Gold Rush excursion which is always a great day was held last Friday and was a terrific day of learning and enjoyment. Thank you to Ms Gillespie and the teaching team for their organisation of what is a favourite day in the calendar for our Year 5 students.

Staff News

Peter Nugent, College Business Manager has been on long service leave since December 2023 and has informed me that he will finish his time with ATC from the end of his current long service leave which concludes at the end of Term 3 this year. Peter has led the financial, site management and commercial operations of the College effectively for an extended period which has supported the achievement of several capital works completed including the current Waterford/Tippery project and significant improvements such as the Bakehouse, Warril Place, Junior School bathrooms, the cricket nets and the Co-curricular Music Centre along with numerous other infrastructure enhancements across the site and processes and procedures which have improved efficiencies. Peter’s management through the COVID pandemic and critical incident of the floods and related repairs and works in 2022 also supported the successful navigation of these significant challenges. His planning, preparation and management skills have been recognised annually by external auditors and prudent decision making has supported sound budgeting and helped put Ambrose Treacy College in a positive financial position for the future. I acknowledge and thank Peter as a member of the College Leadership Team for these achievements and contributions along with others not mentioned for his service to the College

and his teams through a time of significant growth and consolidation and wish him all the very best for the future. I thank Ms Deb Carcary and the members of the Finance and Compliance Team, Mr Dan Dalton and the Property Team, Ms Maelisa McNeil and the Bakehouse Team and Mr Paul Jones and the Pool Team for ensuring the continued operations and works of Peter’s portfolio while he is on leave thus far this year. The College is preparing to recruit for this College Leadership Team position for a January 2025 commencement.

P&F Trivia Night

Thank you to everyone who came along to the Parents and Friends Trivia Night on Saturday. An enjoyable time was had by all in attendance. Fabulous costumes and decorations were in abundance, and we look forward to more such evenings in the future. Congratulations and thank you to Nicole Moy and her team of volunteers in making the evening such an enjoyable success. The staff team came in at 14th place and were licking our wounds along with the Broncos on Saturday night. There’s always next year!

ATC Long Lunch - Sunday 8 September

Tables for the Long Lunch to be held on Sunday 8 September are still available. Please come along to this community event, all funds raised are for the ATC Foundation to provide an opportunity for a future student to attend who may not otherwise be able to. End the term and begin the Spring with some friends on Brothers Oval.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) for students with disability

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) for students with disability. The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability. Additionally, it informs best practices within the school environment and develops shared practices in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

Please refer to the College App for further details.

Second Hand Uniform Stall - Friday 30 August

Later this term the P&F are hosting a 2nd hand uniform stall:

  • 2nd Hand uniform ‘POP UP STALL’
  • Friday 30 August - 8.30am to 1pm
  • Year 8 demountable

If you have any uniforms you would like to donate, please deliver them to Main Reception by Monday 26 August.

A few key things to note:

  • These are donations and you will not receive any money for them
  • Please ensure only CLEAN and wearable uniform items are donated
  • Please deliver all donations to Main Reception in an appropriate sized bag or box.

Contact: Melissa (0426881203) or Sasha (0411460351) with queries.

All proceeds from the stall go to the P&F and will support initiatives at the school.

Please note; payments will be card only - no cash sales.

Community Prayers

Lord, we pray for those in our community who are suffering. Be with them in this time of hardship and uncertainty. Give comfort and peace to those who have lost loved ones. May their sorrow be turned into strength, and their distress turned into peace. May our hearts remain loving and pure as we seek too always be compassionate to those around us.

Chris Ryan