Learning Life

Teachers are united at Ambrose Treacy College by a common vision for learning:

Ambrose Treacy College believes that all students are empowered to engage in learning, belong in our community and experience academic success. Teachers work to equip students for the responsibilities and challenges of the 21st century, aspiring to develop empathetic, worldly and highly literate students who know how to learn, problem solve, create, critique and reflect.

The vision for learning is an important statement which guides the practice of teachers, resource prioritisation and curriculum design. All teachers at the College, irrespective of their subject allocation, create authentic learning environments that enhance the learning vision.


Teaching at Ambrose Treacy College is intentional; teachers are guided by a unique Pedagogical Framework to action our vision for learning.

Teachers use direct instruction practices. Using an instruction model of direct instruction and gradual release of responsibility, teachers follow a step-by-step, lesson-by-lesson approach to instruction. The prescribed approach to teaching is paced, linear and incremental, aimed to maximise time on task, and positively reinforce student behaviours.

Teachers also embed HITS, High Impact Teaching Strategies, into their practice. These instructional practices are evidence based and as such, have a much larger effect than others to reliably increase student learning.


Ambrose Treacy College has a reporting system that supports a process of continuous reporting. Staff upload formal feedback on assessment via our Learning Management System within 2 weeks of submission. The rationale for this is based on research that is elaborated upon with the following points:

  • There is greater accountability of students’ work habits.
  • Students receive timely feedback - progress reports are issued when the task is completed and assessed. This enables the teacher (and parent) to identify, intervene, and improve.
  • A ‘front ending’ of results - no negative results coming home at the end of the semester. Students, teachers and parents can recognise problems as they arise.