Years 7, 8 and 9 are years of discovery and exploration in which students build on the experiences and learning of their primary years and prepare for the rigours of the senior years. Learning is optimised when students feel safe and valued, and they believe that they belong and can achieve success. Students also need an environment in which mistakes are viewed as permissible and integral to the learning process, whether on a sporting field or at a high level of academic pursuit. Our Middle School recognises this need for a specially tailored curriculum and learning environment where we care for and show a personal interest in our students and engage them in interactive and collaborative approaches to their work.

Year 7 Curriculum
Students study six core subjects across the year. These include:
• English - Mathematics - Science
• Religious Education - Health & Physical Education
• Humanities: History & Geography
In addition, students study other subjects for varying times:
• Business & Economics -Design -Digital Technology
• Drama - Japanese - Music
• Visual Art
• Curriculum Release & Support (for students with learning support needs)
Year 8 Curriculum
Students study both compulsory core and elective subjects. The compulsory core subjects include:
• English -Mathematics - Science
• Religious Education - Humanities: History & Geography
• Health & Physical Education
Students can then select 4 elective subjects, 2 for each Semester. These include:
• Business & Economics - Design - Digital Technology
• Drama - Enrichment - Japanese
• Music - Visual Art
• Curriculum Release & Support (for students with learning support needs)
Year 9 Curriculum
Students are encouraged to think about their post-school pathways and will therefore have an opportunity to complete both core and elective subjects. Core subjects (which are mandatory) include:
• English - Mathematics - Science
• Religious Education - History
• Health and Physical Education
Students may then choose 2 electives each Semester. The electives they choose from include:
• Business & Economics - Building & Construction - Design
• Digital Technology - Drama - Enrichment
• Food Technology - Geography - Japanese
• Music - Visual Art
• Curriculum Release & Support (for students with learning support needs instead of History)
Whole School Approach to Inclusion
Ambrose Treacy College recognises a diverse student population and provides an environment where all learners feel safe, valued, and have a sense of belonging. Our Whole School Approach to Inclusion ensures that all students are provided with effective differentiation across all areas of school life – classroom environment, pedagogy, pastoral care, co-curricular and service. In further support, Personalised Support Plans are created for any learner with a diagnosis, who is identified as requiring additional support through our Inclusive Practices Department. Staff at the College are supported to engage with and use this plan as a framework to ensure that all learners have equitable access to the curriculum.
A Case Manager is allocated to each year level to collaboratively build strong relationships with families through the process of formal stakeholder meetings in consultation with health professionals to ensure best supports for identified students. The Inclusive Practices Department works closely with not only families and health professionals, but also the student. This is to ensure that they are part of the process of planning and implementing adjustments for both their learning and/or social emotional needs.
Ambrose Treacy College’s Enrichment Programs include
• Enrichment Elective (Years 7-9)
• Math∑Manics in partnership with Brigidine College
• DaVinci Decathlon
• Metropolitan West Maths Teams Challenge
• Days of Excellence
• Write a book in a day
• Aurecon Bridge Building
Students will be selected to participate in these extension programs, based on his performance in class, as a result of their performance in recent external testing and teacher recommendation.
Ambrose Treacy College Support Programs include:
• Curriculum Support Classes
• Targeted English Classes
• Targeted Maths Classes
• Literacy Intervention Programs
• Break out/Chill out spaces
• Social skills programs
• Assistive Technology
• Assessment Adjustments
Ambrose Treacy College recognises the provision of enrichment opportunities for high achieving students, challenging them to further develop their talents and academic potential. These programs are an integral part of our whole-school approach to teaching and learning as we aspire to develop students who know how to learn, problem solve, create, critique and reflect.
Enrichment programs vary across the College semester electives, subject ability groupings and individual and team competitions.