Skills and Training

As a Registered Training Organisation, Ambrose Treacy College is able to provide students with training that results in qualifications and statements of attainment that are recognised and accepted by industry and other educational institutions throughout Australia. The College offers a diverse range of Skills and Training (VET) pathways for students.

Ambrose Treacy College offers a range of Skills and Training courses to students in Years 10 – 12.

Ambrose Treacy College’s Scope of Registration includes:
Ambrose Treacy College (RTO Number: 46304)

  • SIT10222 Certificate I in Hospitality
  • SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality
  • CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction (from Semester Two 2021)
    (The unit CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry will be trained and assessed through a Third-Party Agreement with an external provider.)

More information can be found in the VET Handbook

Partnership Arrangements:

The following certificate courses are also offered at the College through Partnership arrangements.

Binnacle Training (RTO Number: 31319)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business – 2022 cost is approximately $265 per student.
SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness – 2022 cost is approximately $365 + $55 for First Aid Certificate: Total $420.

Students also can also undertake an external VET course through TAFE at Schools (see relevant Course Guide for course costs) or BSB50215 Diploma of Business through Barrington’s College (RTO No: 45030). The Diploma of Business is held outside of school hours and 2022 costs $2100 + non-refundable enrolment fee $250: Total $2350.

Complaints and Appeals Policy

Complaints received by the RTO will be acknowledged in writing and finalised as soon as practicable.
Any person wishing to make a complaint against the school concerning its conduct as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), whether a complaint, appeal or other matter, shall have access to the Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.

Complaints include conduct of the RTO, its trainers, assessors or other staff; a Third-party providing services on the RTO’s behalf, its trainers, assessors or other staff; or a student of the RTO.
The RTO identifies two types of complaints:

Type 1: Allegations of inappropriate behaviour and/or child protection.
These allegations are processed according to the College’s Complaints policy and procedure
Type 2: All other complaints.
Without limiting the action in Type 1 complaints, the Complaints and Appeals Policy is publicly available and upholds the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness.

All appeals received by the RTO will be acknowledged in writing and finalised as soon as practicable.

Two types of appeal may be lodged:
­Appeal of final assessment decision
Appeal of any other RTO decision

For more information please contact the Dean of Learning or the Head of Pathways